Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baltimore’s Heavy Seas Brewery invades Atlanta!

Join Heavy Seas Brewery, the GALS and Gregg from Tower Wine & Spirits at The Mac

It’s been one helluva 2011 for brew, hasn’t it? Well to show love for this year, I am going be hooking up a hot slideshow for y’all soon, so be ready! In the meantime, I heard about this cool Heavy Seas Brewery tasting my man Gregg “The Beer Guy” over at Tower Beer Wine & Spirits is doing with the GALS (Georgia Ale & Lager Sirens) at Taco Mac Lindbergh (573 Main Street Atlanta, 30324) right off of Piedmont Road in the ATL, on February 9, at 6:30. (Go here for reservations.)
For $25, you can indulge in some of the great craft beers straight out of Baltimore, MD (thanks to head honcho Hugh Sisson) and enjoy the company of some gals who know their beer. I have always had a love for Heavy Seas because as an artist, I appreciate their awesome artwork, catchy names (“Holy Sheet,” anyone?) and various “Fleets” of brews to embrace the whole pirate theme they proudly represent. For instance, they have…

The Pyrate Fleet: Bottle-conditioned booty hunters that are both year-round and seasonals. Ranging from 7 to 8 percent alcohol by volume, keep an eye out (get it?) for the always available, award-winning Loose Cannon IPA aka Hop³ (hopped three ways!), Black Cannon Black IPA available now and the Dubbel Cannon Belgian IPA (all 7.25 percent) coming in March.

The Mutiny Fleet: I love me some potency and this bottle-conditioned, limited edition, aged crew of 22-ounce raiders specialize in it! From the Below Decks Barleywine to the extremely hard-to-get Great-er Pumpkin Imperial Pumpkin Ale aged in bourbon barrels, get hooked (okay, I’ll chill with the puns) on whatever is available before they’re gone!

The Clipper Fleet: Great for summers or just chillin’ to quench the thirst, these babies may have the skull and crossbones on the labels, but they are actually nice guys, never hitting the 6 percent mark. Drinkability is the name of the game, so happily sip the Classic Lager (5 percent), Summer Ale (4.5 percent) and others in peace.

Who knows how many they will be unleashing next Tuesday, so get a seat before they’re sold out!


Mr. Sharpton

Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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