Saturday, May 14, 2011
American Craft Beer Week is coming!
Daaaaaamn! I have been trying to update this site for the past few days but as the world has found out, Google has been having some issues with websites. I appreciate you coming back. And just for that, I am compiling some awesome events going on for the upcoming American Craft Beer Week from May 16-22. But first, how in the hell did this week of awesomeness get started? Check it:
American Craft Beer Week started when the Brewers Association American Beer Month originally slated in July was concentrated into a more killer week nationwide, which packed in a lot more participation, activities and other creative attractions to celebrate the craft of brewing in May. In fact, "Craft" was added to give it a little more funk and specificity. The 3/4 shave down on a month's days turned out to be ingenious, as the majority of some 1,700 + breweries joined in on a guaranteed week's worth of fun which includes pub crawls, food pairings, festivals, introductions of new styles and a number of other forms of revelry all in the name of beer! (Not to mention that the cooler May weather has to mean a significant drop in dehydration cases outdoors!) Now American Craft Beer Week, celebrating its 6th year, is the largest week-long craft beer celebration in the nation with, for the first time, all 50 states participating by hosting official events under the ACBW banner. You gotta love it! The only thing is, I know there are a gang of things beer-related in my Georgia stomping grounds starting today including the Dunwoody Beer Festival and Doc Holliday Beer Festival in Griffin, but I am heading for Detroit tomorrow and have no idea what's in store for the week. Atlanta is nuts for beer, but how is the Motor City? If you know what's going on, shoot me an email at Until then, I will still happily post some other cool events going on in the A and research where the hell to go in the D! At least I will be back for the Atlanta Food & Wine Festival where I will (A-hem!) be a part of a panel discussing blogging in the culinary arts next weekend. Hells-yeah!
Last, a fist bump goes to all craft brewers, including homebrewers who really deserve a lot of love (In fact, stay tuned for my next edition of Ale's Homies as I interview an awesome woman in the beer world named Julie Baggett who knows a sh*tload about everything regarding the suds!) Thanks for making the world a better place with all of your brewing mastery. We need that liquid peacemaker!!!
For more info, check out the official American Craft Beer Week site for events in your area.
Side note: The Declaration of Beer Independence
By the way, do you want to see how serious we beer drinkers are about supporting the craft beer movement? Check out this Declaration of Beer Independence that was created for tens of thousands of beer supporters to sign back in 2009 here. Cool, ain't it?
Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!
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