Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm Hosting Euphoria Food Festival's Beer Garden!

One of the best food festivals in the nation just got better with loads of  Craft Beer!

I had a smashing time at SweetWater last
Saturday thanks to my homey Andy & Co.!
Hey folks, sorry it took so long recovering from this past weekend of events (did you go to any of these?), but between finishing up a gang of articles, editing others, serving as the creative director for AllWays Open, and preparing for a ridiculous event I am doing at SweetWater Brewery on October 18th (stay tuned!), things have been bananas! Regardless, I will be taking a much-needed break (sort of) when I host the two beer panels at one of my favorite food festivals in the nation, Euphoria (September 20-23), in charming Greenville, S.C. 
Yep, the organizers and I have been discussing how beer needs to be a more integral part of the festival during my last few annual visits, and was floored when they asked me to host two panels based on craft beer on Saturday, September 22, with some heavy hitters in the brewing industry (a few I recommended). Happily accepting, we'll have the founder and owner of Terrapin, John Cochran; SweetWater's Head Brewer Nick Nock; Oskar Blues Sales Guru Dave Lawson, and local brewing king Thomas Creek with Owner Bill Davis to name a few. There will be a second panel discussion an hour later with local beer authorities, pub owners and burgeoning breweries you can't miss either! 
Shout out to local brewing king, Thomas Creek!
We will basically be discussing how craft beer is kicking major tail in the beverage industry, while sipping from at least 40 different styles of brews in the wondrous outdoors of Greenville. All the info is below in the links. If you can make it, the food is awesome, the events are top notch, and the beer? Well, come on, you know if I'm sticking my neck out for it, it's the shizznit! Ha! There will also be some righteous beer dinners too! 
Overall, I am excited to be a part of this food and drink extravaganza. You should be too!
Hopefully there are tickets left. I hope to see you there! 
Here are all the links:
For General Information and tickets, go here.
For a description of the 2012 Euphoria Beer Garden, go here.
For my cool bio page (a-hem!), check it out here.

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