Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Craft brewery discloses how they helped Obama win!

Wynkoop Brewing Company shows us how they helped our President during a debate! 
Check out our President's table on his right.
What's Up, Craft Sippers!

Yeah, it's been a minute for me posting on this awesome site but ever since returning from Stella Artois' Draught Masters in Montreal, hitting up the 2012 Decatur Beer Festival as soon as I jumped off the plane, throwing a viewing party of my new Cruisin' For A Brewsin' episode (coming soon) with Clown Shoes Beer at Cypress Street Pint and Plate, plus a ton of deadlines I had to meet on the writing tip, I finally got above water! 
Oh yeah, there was also the 2012 Election. 

With that being said, I loved the top photo sent by good friend Marty Jones representing Colorado's oldest brew pub and Denver's first craft brewery, Wynkoop Brewing Company! These guys always have fun with their schwag, promotions and other ways to keep us craft beer lovers entertained (anyone ever try their Rocky Mount Oyster Stout made with, seriously, bull testicles?), so I wanted to show you this flick that made me crack up. Evidently, our now two-termin' U.S. President Barack Obama was a lot more gangsta during his debates with Governor Mitt Romney and this enhanced photo jokingly showed what helped: a serving of their flagship brew, the Rail Yard Ale (left)!
I can't wait to see what other hilarious material is going to come out of specifically the Centennial State after the legalization of their future state flower, Cannabis, recently came into effect. I mean, look at Oskar Blues Brewery and that spot on the back of their cans before weed was legalized! (Check out the Ten Fidy can on the right.) Anyone know what that's there for? Just figure it's about to be utilized a lot more openly now that smoking green sticky icky for recreational purposes is handcuff-free!
Anyway, I am on my way to San Antonio to review the new 2013 Toyota Avalon for a few publications I write for and, of course, get my Cruisin' For A Brewsin' on! I have a few spots particularly in mind for us so stay tuned.

Much love to the suds and democracy!



Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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