Friday, November 22, 2013

Dogfish Head time warps me to 2014!

Photo courtesy of Dogfish Head.
Namaste comes in sixes, Raison D'Etre gets ‘a little extra,’ and four brews go bye-bye in 2014.

Whaddup Craft Sippers?!

The Delaware-based microbrewing powerhouse Dogfish Head just threw me in a time warp and showed me what’s in store for 2014. Man, my journey was trippy and fun as hell. Here's what I found out...
·         Due to overwhelming response of their Belgian-style white beer Namaste—which is infused with organic orange, pepper, coriander, and lemongrass—it will now be sold in year-round 6-packs! Explaining its forgiving 4.8 percent session strength, Dogfish Head Founder and President Sam Calagione says, "From the day we opened in 1995, the average beer we've brewed has been 9 percent ABV. We love going big, but we also hear the calls for a more sessionable off-centered ale. We hope you'll agree that Namaste is a great year-round quencher and food beer."
·         Then there’s the return of Raison D'Extra, which they call the “O.G.” version of their Belgian-style brown ale Raison D'Etre. It’s basically a more gangster, potent and robust version at an astounding 18 percent ABV! (Damn, Georgia's limit is 14%!)  As for the more reserved Raison D'Etre, it will still be available, but just by draft.
·         And as a belated gift for particularly those who need a gluten-free beer that actually tastes like it deserves a craft designation, Tweason'ale is now a year-round selection!
I dig this artwork!
·         Already loving what they did with Miles Davis (Bitches Brew), Pearl Jam (Faithfull Ale) and Robert Johnson (Hellhound On My Ale), look for more from their jammin’ Music Series! By the way, speaking of music, the Grateful Dead-inspired American Beauty Imperial Pale Ale brewed with toasty, good-for-you granola (minus the almonds) is delicious! Get some while you can. Seriously.

·         And borrowing from one of my favorite sports shows, ESPN’s Pardon The Interruption (PTI), a “Happy Trails” to Immort Ale, Chateau Jiahu, My Antonia or Black & Blue in 2014. There is no timetable for their return (if there is one), but with all the new eccentric brews Dogfish continues to create, I think we’ll maintain next year.

And just to make sure you are officially prepped for everything Dogfish has coming out starting next month, here is their full 2014 release calendar. Cool? Cool.

Happy sippin’!

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