Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Donate Food and Coats On the Beltline This Saturday!

Do a good deed, stop hunger and keep someone warm between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.!


Besides donating food and/or a coat(s) if you have one, you can also volunteer to help the Urban Explorers receive donations at their annual Beltline Food & Coat Drive this Saturday, December 12th (especially in the afternoon). This is the volunteer sign up page where you can select specifics roles and shifts.
As an added plus, it is the same day as the Beltline Pub Crawl so it will be a fun day to get your walk and sip on.
Here is the info straight from the Urban Explorers, so bring in 2016 with some good karma! I hope to see ya there!


What & When
Saturday, Dec 12, from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Urban Explorers of Atlanta will be hosting its 2nd Annual Food & Coat Drive. This event is held each year to alleviate the suffering experienced by the hungry and homeless in our community.

Drop-Off Location / Logistics
We will ready set up to accept donations of food, coats and blankets from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Our collection station will be at the south end of the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail, where it crosses Irwin Street. We will have a 10-foot U-Haul truck parked there. You have several options for dropping items off:
1) Park & Hang Out With Us
You can park nearby and bring your items to our truck. We will have snacks, refreshments and music and you are welcome hang out with us as long as you want. Street parking is available on Auburn Ave, Lake Ave and Sampson St. You can also park in the "pay and park" lot for Krog Street Market where you will find many wonderful restaurants and shops.
2) Curb Service
If you don't have time to stop and hang out with us, you can drive right up to our truck and drop off your items. We will have volunteers on duty to help you unload right away.

Pick-Up Service: Friday, Dec 11
For those who have a large number of items, including businesses that would like to take up collections at their office, we will be available to pick up your donations on Friday, Dec 11 between 1:00PM - 5:00PM. Please contact Steve Saenz at to discuss and make arrangements.

Prizes & Give-Aways
Those who donate two or more, items will receive a membership gift certificate that is good for 25% Off any Urban Explorers of Atlanta membership. You will also receive a special ticket that you can redeem at O4W Pizza or Little Tart Krog Market, both of which are within walking distance.

Our Community Service Organizations
The Atlanta Community Food Bank will be receiving our food donations. The Gateway Center will be receiving our blankets and coats.

Volunteer Opportunities
If you would like to help out on the day of the event, please contact Ryan Forbes at and let him know.

Spread The Word
Thank you for supporting the Beltline Food & Coat Drive. Please share this event with your friends and encourage them to do the same. Together, we can make a difference. We look forward to seeing you on Dec 12, if not before.


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