This Infographic below says so!
I know my blog updates have been a little sporadic due to
all of my traveling lately (look for coverage of my beer-hopping trips soon), but here I am!
After exploring a
few of Washington D.C.’s craft beer bars this past weekend like Meridian Pint, Churchkey and Brookland's Finest, along with D.C. Brau who always shows
me love, I have tasted quite a
few—okay, a lot—of wonderful ales and
lagers on this trip. When Monday hit, I checked my emails and saw something that reminded me my consumption was doing my body some good thanks to the infographic I received from a company called WebstaurantStore titled “10 Ways Beer
Makes You Healthier.”
As many of you know, I am already a sucker for infographics
especially when they make sense for my site and provide some helpful facts
complemented with illustrations. This one surely fits the bill since so many of
my cherished readers want to know how beer is good for us.
Anyway, check this infographic out and links to its sources of research below
for a more detailed explanation on the ten facts.
Ultimately, take what you want from this, still drink
moderately, and enjoy the best beverage in the world for as long as you can.