Sunday, June 26, 2016

It’s the Wild Bunch II today!

Kick it at the Argosy and support The Giving Kitchen with some of ATL's best in the culinary scene!

After Eventide’s Citrus Grove Hefeweizen launch (it was great!), Venkman’s brunch, the Brick Store’s awesome 19th anniversary, Tacos and Tequila honor my late mom’s birthday, and then an awesome two fights on CBS, a good rest was a must to conclude Saturday in ATL. Now it’s Sunday and the second annual Wild Bunch at the Argosy in East Atlanta is the move starting at 6 p.m. (followed by Game of Thrones’ bittersweet season ender) to support one of the greatest causes in the South, The Giving Kitchen. Here is the official write up. I hope to see you there!

They Say:
We are proud and excited to present the second year of Wild Bunch! Tacos, cocktails, beer, and bands! Last year was legendary and we raised over $10,000 for The Giving Kitchen. More of the city's favorite chefs, bartenders, and bands have been added to make this one of the year's most unique and memorable experiences. $25 gets you admission and 5 drink/food tickets (extra drink and taco tix available for $5).

Check out this ridiculous lineup:

Tacos by:
Steven Satterfield of Miller Union
Hector Santiago of El Super Pan Latino Sandwiches & Bar
Angus Brown and Nhan Le of So Ba Vietnamese Restaurant and Octopus Bar
David Bies of Ticonderoga Club
Josh Hopkins of Empire State South
Jeff Wall of Kimball House
Allen Suh of Gaja Restaurant & Bar
Michael Person of Argosy

Cocktails served by:
Miles Macquarrie of Kimball House
Greg Best and Paul Calvert of Ticonderoga Club
Kellie Thorn of Empire State South
Trip Sandifer of The Painted Pin
Shanna Mayo of AMER
John Wayne of The Pinewood
Brandon Kemp of The Bookhouse
Bobby Dudley of The SOS Tiki Bar
Adam Rowe of Leon’s Full Service
Philip Frobos of Argosy

Bands!: Greg Cartwright (Reigning Sound, The Oblivians), Chris Lopez (The Rock*A*Teens), Jesse Smith (Gentleman Jesse & His Men), Little Francis (, and DJ sets by Lance and April Ledbetter of Dust-to-Digital!

Breweries!: Creature Comforts, Three Taverns Craft Brewery, Wild Heaven Craft Beers, Orpheus Brewing, Terrapin Beer Co., Second Self Beer Company

Spirits!: Redbreast Whiskey, Altos Tequila, Anchor Distilling Company, Virgil Kaine, Pisco Control C, Old 4th Distillery, Ballast Point Brewing & Spirits, and High West Distillery!

Old school Westerns by Videodrome!

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