Friday, September 8, 2017

Check me out on NBC’s Atlanta & Company!

This time, we're celebrating 
National Beer Lover’s Day!
Click on the TV screen or here to see this fun episode!
Hey Y’all!
It’s my second time on the fun show Atlanta & Company and this time we’re talking about celebrating September 7th as the official date for National Beer Lover’s Day here
The first go around was hella fun on National Beer Day with my homey Cara Kneer on this episode; this time, it’s with the show’s host Christine Pullara where I featured a lot of beer and glassware from my private stash. The subject was finding beers women were like. I, of course, said that a lot of women I know love brew already, but recommended some popular ones I have won over non-believers with from past tastings.
Check it out and let me know what you think. There is a lot more to come!

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