Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday Sales are about to happen in Georgia!

Finally, the Peach State will have the option of making runs at halftime during the NFL season (...assuming there is going to be a season) and grocery shoppers will be able to throw a six-pack or a bottle of Riesling in the cart for the upcoming week. Whatever the reason, Georgians are on the brink of having the liberty to purchase alcohol on Sunday thanks to the House's passing of SB 10 around 9:45 pm, April 12.  The Bill passed with flying colors with127 yeas against 44 haytin' neas. It was the first freakin' time the House had the opportunity to vote on it since it was always buried in the Senate every time the idea was proposed thanks to particularly the heavy influence of hardcore religious conservatives. 
Here is the board showing the players and
the hayters, courtesy of http://www.jasonpye.com/.
A glimmer of hope shined from the beer gods when former Georgia Governor Purdue kicked rocks and current Governor Nathan Deal stepped in, who promised that if the Bill made his desk, it was a wrap; he was signing it. With this monumental decision, some counties that still will have elections in 2011 will be able to make retail Sunday sales of alcohol a reality as soon as this November.
Overall, thanks to the rallies, lobbyists and initiatives like the Georgians For Sunday Sales Coalition who supported the right for counties to choose what laws they want enforced in their neighborhoods!
Here is a Crusin' For A Bruisin' video flashback showing how we all fought the power to get  this SB10 poppin'! Cruisin' For A Brewsin': Sunday Sales. Besides my boy and video producer Leeman with Luxeve who did an awesome job, a special thanks goes to everyone who got this episode played by the masses via Twitter, Facebook and email.
Now let's keep it up! Growlers are next with Hop City being the first to make the 64-ounce jugs full of brew accessible in stores this Thursday. Holla!

Peep the Great American Beer Festival's Top Beers and Ciders of 2024!

  GABF was lit! I just got back from the Great American Beer Festival ( GABF ) and it was arguably the most memorable and exciting one yet...

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