Monday, October 3, 2011

SweetWater wins medals at Great American Beer Festival!

SweetWater reps ATL to the fullest at the GABF in Denver!

Oh man, what a weekend! The party at Der Biergarten was a major success, HOToberfest went smooth as always, I had a killer seafood jazz brunch at C&S Seafood and my NFL fantasy teams did their thing. Now Monday keeps the momentum for beer with some pretty damn good news I just received from the SweetWater Brewery PR team (Holla, 360 Media!) coming out of Denver. 

During the ridiculous beer event I have yet to attend (but damn sure will next year!) - the 30th edition of the Great American Beer Festival where 2,400 beers from about 465 American breweries available to taste and judge - Atlanta's own SweetWater kicked major tail by getting a gold medal for their Sch'Wheat (4.9 percent abv) in the American Style Wheat category, and Bronze in the Rye Ale slot for their Crank Tank Rye'd Ale (6.2 percent abv). That makes a dozen medals in total over their span, including the prestigious Small Brewery of the Year honor in 2002.

How awesome is that? 'Nuff respect SweetWater Fam! I will be celebrating with you soon!

Also, look out for my "Best Of AleSharpton.Com's First Year" awards coming soon to celebrate my first year. Thank you so much for being here with me to make it happen.




Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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