Friday, April 24, 2015

Two of Georgia’s best breweries celebrate their anniversary Saturday!

It was like it was yesterday. This is Creature Comforts a few months prior to their grand opening almost a year ago. 

Here are the beer lists and entertainment schedules directly from Burnt Hickory and Creature Comforts


Always showing love to Georgia's beer scene, I have covered both Kennesaw’s Burnt Hickory and Athens’ Creature Comforts on Cruisin’ For A Brewsin’ since their inception three and one year ago respectively. Since I obtained the beer list for both celebrations going down Saturday, April 25thrain or shine directly from them, I had to spread the good news ASAP! I congratulate them both and will continue to be one of the best not only in the South, but in the nation!

Straight from Scott Hedeen, the Burnt Hickory founder and Brewmaster:
Here it is! We are ready for rain and have all of the tasting areas under tents or inside the brewery. There are NO pre-sale tickets for entry. Glasses are $15
You must be 21 to partake in beer samples.
We are Kid and Pet friendly.
Music by The Blacktop Rockets @3 p.m. Genki Genki Panic @1 p.m.

The Rowdy Station. (the truck in the loading dock area)
1. Ezekiel's Wheel Pale Ale 6%
2.The Didjits Blood Orange IPA 7%
3. Cannon Dragger IPA 8%
4. Big Shanty Graham Cracker Stout 9%
THE KEEZER (in the brewhouse by cooler)
1.Old Wooden Head Imp IPA 11%
2. Wrong Em Boyo Coffee IPA 8%
3. Wendell Gee Coffee/Fudge Stout 9%
4. Spanish Bombs IPA Habanero IPA 8%
5. Killboy Powerhead Orange Creamsicle IPA 7%
6. Cobra Verde Mexican Cornbread Rye 6%
TAP BOX #1 (outside in Willstock)
1. Ezekiels Wheel Pale Ale 6%
2. Mudhoney Honey Brown Ale 7%
3. The Didjits Blood Orange IPA 7%
4. Big Shanty Graham Cracker Stout 9%
TAP BOX #2 (inside at Touchy's Clown O Rama)
1. Mudhoney Honey Brown Ale 7%
2. If You See Kay peach golden belgian 9%
CASKHOLE (three special casks in parking lot)
1. Mother of Mercy Apple Pie ala mode Eerie Von
2. Crop Circle. Atomic Fire Ball Charred Walls of the Damned.
3. Hottentot Maple infused non barrel aged Killdozer 
TAP BOX #3 (in tasting room. will open if not too crowded)
1. Fighting Bishop Green Peppercorn Tripel 9%
2. Mudhoney Honey Brown Ale 7%
3 Killboy Powerhead Orange Creamsicle IPA 7%
4. Old Wooden Head Imp IPA 11%
FUTURE BREWERS OF GA (outside tasting room on patio)
-approx. 8 t0 10 research and develo p.m.ent beers made by
some of our favorite local home brewers. We brewed their recipes
on our pilot system over the last 3 months. They helped as we brought their recipes to life. This is a great pay it forward and local
support of the home brewers we all know and love. 

Special Hourly Pours (TBD location)
all beer are based on availability.
Noon: Statesboro Blues Blueberry Stout 9% (Two Kegs)
1 p.m. Barron Munchausen Crunchberry Stout 9% (Two Kegs)
2  p.m. Mud Ride Pineapple/Cocanut Mudhoney (One Keg)
              Big Muff Butterscotch/Honey Mudhoney (Two Kegs)
3  p.m. Zekey Stardust Cranberry Zeke (Two Kegs)
4  p.m. SOUR HOUR w/ Halo of Flies Sour Stout and
         Phantom Toll booth Flemish Red. 
THIS IS THE LIST. It could change but I'm hoping it won't. A grand total of 23 different beers from BHB. A lot to sample and enjoy! 
Thanks for another great year!
And Creature Comforts is slinging these babies on Saturday. It’s $25 per signature glass starting at 11:00 according to their site here.

The List:
DaySpring [Grisette]
Bourbon Barrel Aged Koko Buni 
Koko Buni (these are the last kegs until next year)
Southerly Love 
Reclaimed Rye
Cosmik Debris [DIPA]
The Curious no 2 [Our GABF bronze medal beer]
The Curious no 3 [100% brett bourbon barrel fermented ale w/ blackberries]
The Curious no 4 [Blended Maple Bourbon Barrel Stout]
Reminisce [Saison]
Reko Reclaimed Rye
Athena Paradiso 
Automatic [Pale Ale]
Mac’s Maple

Take your time and try to sip as many varieties (AS POSSIBLE) since both breweries are GANGSTER!



Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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