Monday, May 4, 2015

Check out my Skype interview with Craft Conscious!

This was a fun one talking about the future of beer, Hebru, dope breweries, Cruisin' For A Brewsin', the future of the industry and you to name a few!


Oh man, whatta crazy few days managing and producing that GANGSTER mural with the incredible Hebru Brantley on the Sound Table’s wall alongside my creative agency AllWays Open and Heineken. Stay tuned for some incredible footage on that, and follow my Instagram (@realalesharpton) and hashtag #AllWaysHebruHeineken. Feel free to shoot a picture in front of it and use the hashtag so I can show love! 
Anyway, after finally getting a breather from standing in the sun for five days straight and hosting the launch parties on Saturday to name a few duties that drained me, it was rewarding to see the fun-filled interview I did on Skype with the dope Web series by Craft Conscious and host Drew Dillman. Here is their setup:

“A look into the future with editor and contributor countrywide, Ale Sharpton’s passion lies within the craft beer industry. On top of his expert writing, Ale also plans events that promote breweries and celebrities.  A unique view today of the industry, where it’s been, and where it’s going! 

We talked about so many topics including the future of beer, art, how down-to-earth everyone is in the industry, how I got to where I am, the dope beers out right now, craft breweries getting bought up, and you, the coolest folks ever! Oh yeah, I shouted out a gang of folks including…
Creature Comforts
Hebru Brantley
Ballast Point
The Brick Store
Willie The Kid
New Belgium
Joe Six Pack
Sierra Nevada
Food 101
Chef Simone Byron
Polo Ralph Lauren
Atlanta Hawks
Mavericks Beer
And a ton more!

Subscribe to Craft Conscious and show them love! They do it big and it’s a necessary element to the craft beer movement. 

Please share this interview and let me know what you think via Twitter, Facebook, and, of course, the comment section below.

And to everyone who joined me and supported the mural this past week, you are the shizzzznit! Much love to y’all!


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