Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Free MARTA passes for Falcons fans for first two home games!

Hey Falcons fans, how about 12,500 free BREEZE roundtrip tickets?!

As we anticipate the kickoff to the 2016-17 NFL season, fantasy football and rooting for our home teams, there is another reason to look forward to the beginning of professional football bliss; how do free BREEZE passes to the first two Falcons games sound?
Miller Lite collaborates with United Distributing and Atlanta’s official source of public transportation—Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)—to provide 12,500 round-trip Breeze tickets to fans at designated MARTA stations on Sunday, September 11 against Tampa Bay and Sunday, October 2 against Carolina.
Here are the specifics straight from the official press release:

For the third season in a row, the Original Light Beer is teaming up with the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) to provide Falcons fans with safe and free rides to the Georgia Dome on game day. In partnership with United Distributors, Miller Lite will give away 12,500 round-trip Breeze tickets to fans at select MARTA stations on Sunday, September 11 against Tampa Bay and Sunday, October 2 against Carolina.
“We’re proud to continue our partnership with MARTA,” said MillerCoors Alcohol Responsibility Manager Diane Wagner. “At MillerCoors, we believe that drunk driving is 100 percent preventable. Our flagship Free Rides program encourages fans to enjoy the game responsibly while keeping local roadways safe.”
Miller Lite and Atlanta Falcons representatives will hand out free Breeze tickets on Sunday, September 11, and Sunday, October 2, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the H.E. Holmes, Indian Creek, College Park and Lindbergh MARTA stations. Additional route and schedule information is available at www.itsmarta.com
“The Free Rides program is a great opportunity for Falcons fans to ride the light rail during our home opener and October 2nd game,” said Atlanta Falcons President & CEO Rich McKay. “The Falcons encourage fans to stay safe and make smart choices on game day by riding the Miller Lite Free Rides on MARTA.”
Since the Free Rides program’s inception 28 years ago, safe rides have been provided to more than five million people in 26 cities. Since 2014, Miller Lite has provided 65,500 free rides to Falcons fans. The program has earned the full support of state and local law enforcement and is part of MillerCoors overall commitment to preventing drunk driving.
For more information, visit www.MillerLiteFreeRides.com.



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