Friday, June 7, 2019

Meeting the Reverend Al Sharpton meant so much.

I am still on a high after meeting the man I pay homage to 
every time I am referred to as Ale Sharpton.

After my awesome Forbes article written by Gary Stoller went viral this past Wednesday, I was floored by the positive response and praises from my followers, family, friends, and even strangers who simply wanted to show me love. I truly appreciated it. And then it happened: I got a message from a PR representative of the Reverend Al Sharpton requesting my presence; he happened to be in Atlanta for the African American Leadership Summit. After reading the article documenting my great respect for him explaining why I named myself Ale Sharpton, the Reverend wanted to link, take pictures with me, and show support for my endeavors. You know I was tripping! I always wanted to meet him in person and tell him what the article stated and it actually was happening. I honestly didn't know what to expect but was ready to embrace whatever. I wasn't missing this. 
When we linked up at his headquarters on the West End, I gave Reverend a big hug and he asked me questions about me, including upbringing, schooling, and what motivated me to be "Ale." I broke it down, then we took some pics, and then he was off to catch a flight. He was sharp, very polite, showed no celebrity arrogance, no shunning of alcohol consumption (he doesn't drink), or straight-up negative energy. Most importantly, it was his official validation of using the Sharpton name. It was a very cool, chill vibe. He went on to post it on his Instagram, I did the same the next morning here, and we both followed up by Tweets here and here, and Facebook posts. God is amazing.
Photo by Andrea Janise.
I am looking forward to building as Ale Sharpton and continue the journey of helping make the craft beer industry a great, enlightening, industrious, and inclusive one, while meeting great people along the way. 
And for you reading this, thanks for riding along with me. I couldn't do it without you. 


It’s the Attack of the Killer Tomato Festival!

Cheers Everyone! Consistently the most anticipated culinary event in Atlanta during the height of tomato season, the Attack of the Killer ...

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