Sunday, October 3, 2010

All I have to say is Saturday was AWESOME!!!

HOToberfest and Netherworld? Whoa!!!
Stick it to the man!
I am recuperating today and getting my fantasy football teams together, but pleeeease stay tuned for the recap of one of the most awesomest (I know it's not a word but eff it!) Saturday in a long time! HOToberFest rocked and then freaky, demented, top-ranked haunted house Netherworld? Crazy!
It will posted in Monday afternoon and who knows, you might be in one of the many flicks I took!
Beers! Oh...I mean, cheers!!!
Check out these ass-kickin' stickers I passed out, too! I hope you got one of the limited editions!

Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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