Thursday, August 30, 2012

Are You Ready for the BEASTS tonight???

My biz partner Mike Moore representing AllWays Open!
Tonight is gonna be nuts!
Unleash your BEAST!

After coming back from an time kicking it in Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and of course, the mountains of Virginia for the inaugural Virginia Craft Brewers Festival, it has been all about preparing for I'm A Beast: The Second Killing!
Yep! That's me as the Beast "Wrapped Up" hooked up by Eric Nine!
What the hell is that? some of you may ask. Basically, it's one of the illest art shows you will ever see hosted by my new creative agency AllWays Open, including biz partners Eric Nine (one the most talented artists on earth) and top-notch photographer/videographer Mike Moore; plus ridiculously talented sculptor Shawn Knight, and prized prop man Chris Rindal.
It's the celebration of Beasts, people who are incredibly awesome at what they do that we artistically morphed into actual Beasts.
The original line of Beasts were off the meter (see my breakdown here), and the new line-up will be unveiled tonight! Plus, there's live music by the Grand Prize Winners From Last Year who were recently Rolling Stone featured ; the globetrotting DJ Rasta Root on the ones and twos; live art by one of the most celebrated artists in the business, Hebru Brantley; plus original work by Flux; and craft suds poured by Oskar Blues! (There had to be beer if I'm involved, right?)
Ah, hell, just look at this hot flyer below and tell me if it is going to be hot or not?!

And for a measly $5, there is no excuse!!! Be a part of history tonight!It's at Space 2 (next to the Sound Table) 485, Edgewood Ave SE, Atlanta GA, 30312, 8 p.m. until... Get there early! and Creative Loafing have already showed us love! You should too!
Much love!

Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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