Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stone Brewing throws down tonight at Brick Store Pub!

Come kick it with one of the best breweries in the world!


From 8 p.m. on, Escondido, California-based Stone Brewing Co. is bringing about eight of their staff from all over the nation to kick it with us in Atlanta at one of the most revered beer bars in the world, the Brick Store Pub, tonight and they are bringing some GANGSTER brews with them. I'm talking about The Ruination 2.0, Pale Ale 2.0, 2010 Imperial Stout, 2012 Old Guardian, Delicious IPA, and the Bourbon Barrel Aged Arrogant Bastard to name a few of the liquid gems being poured tonight. 
Let’s do this!

See ya there!

Here are some dope ATL spots to to sip, eat and watch sports!

  Photo credit: Brandon Amato Whaddup?!! As many of you know, I am a huge sports fan and this is especially true with football. I am alway...

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