Saturday, August 8, 2015

Happy Birthday Monday Night Brewing!

It's Numero Cuatro for one of ATL's brewing giants!


Man. I have such a deep history with Monday Night Brewing as you can see in one of my first posts for Cruisin' For A Brewsin' here! I was at their original brewing site in the back of the house during their popular Monday homebrew tastings almost four years ago. It started from a Bible study with the founders to one of the largest brewing companies in the South. Crazy right? 
Well today I am heading their way to celebrate their 4th year and it's going to be a big one!
After things settle down, it will be party time again on Tuesday, September 1st when my Creative Agency AllWays Open and Monday Night Brewing collaborate to host this baby below, Heroes and Villains!
Be ready for the early ticket sales coming soon!



Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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