Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homies help Ale stick it to the man!

Keven Digital puts Ale dead center. Dopeness!

It's been hella cool seeing my Ale Sharpton stickers around the A and I have to thank two Kevins -- well, one of them is spelled Keven -- a shout out in particular. 
I went to Taste of Atlanta (thanks 360 Media!) last weekend (check out my latest write-up) and my dude Kevin Redmon, who helps produce some of the hottest events in Atlanta and owns online jewelry boutique Limón Verde, was unloading supplies from his truck. I happened to be walking down a side street street with my girl Andrea and ran into him. He said, "Yo, Ale, look!" and pointed to my sticker on his truck's back window. What are the chances??? He said his friend who's a cop put it there and he loved it. That was pretty cool. I gave Kevin another one so that he could return the favor, so if you an APD car with Ale on it, there you go. 
Mr. Redmon's pimpmobile.
And then last night, I met up with my homey and one of the best videographers this side of the Mississippi, L.A. native Keven Digital for KRJ Productions, last night at Taco Mac Metropolis to see the Lakers whip the Rockets' derrieres. He just sent me the photo above of his prized Mac laptop. It's an honor, especially with that being his "baby" and the way he made my joint look like it was a die-cut edition. Stay tuned because Kev and I are working on a gangster collaboration that will undoubtedly change the game. If you want some hot video footage, look no further than Mr. Digital (peep his steez here). 
Thanks for the love, fellow sippers! Look for more sightings of Ale stickin' it to the man at a hot spot near you. 
Damn, I need more stickers.

Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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