Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ale Sharpton’s debut for Cruisin’ For A Brewsin’: Episode One: Sunday Sales

Let’s get this clear: The main focus of Sunday Sales is not about being able to buy beer, spirits or wine via retail stores on the last day of the week. The bottom line is being able to have the power to choose by vote—the base of our democratic spirit that has birthed this nation—to whether or not our direct communities will allow the sales of alcohol on Sundays. During the historic rally in Downtown Atlanta on Wednesday, February 23rd held by the grassroots organization, Georgians For Sunday Sales along with supporters  (and a few detractors) on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol at exactly noon, it was a peaceful, yet impactful engagement to get HB 69  and  SB 10 considered by the Georgia Legislature . The powers that be tried to discretely sweep both of these bills under the rug thinking that there would be no major feedback. Wrong.
During the first officially aired episode of my show dedicated to the world of brewing, Cruisin’ For A Brewsin’, I made sure that the people’s voice was heard worldwide via the Internet. Since words alone do not wholly affect the masses, I, accompanied by the talented video crew of Luxeve Media and banging music by Rashad "Suede" Byron, have done our best to show the people’s dedication to preserve the freedom of speech and right to choose. This is the first of many episodes of Cruisin’ For A Brewsin’, so definitely stay tuned.
Feel free to do your duty to circulate this video and further support the movement that fights to give the people the right to decide how their communities want to live.
Fight the power!

Here is the video:

Our Culture and Creature Comforts launch a Fonio Lager on February 28th!

Cheers Y'all! Check out what my Our Culture and Creature Comforts homies are doing, making a Fonio Lager to benefit its 2025  Brew For O...

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