Thursday, March 31, 2016

Celebrate Burnt Hickory turning 4 Saturday!

On Saturday, April 02, starting at 1–5 p.m., 70-plus gangster brews including Hunahpu, KBS and special Burnt Hickory selections will be poured!

Anything my homey Scott Hedeen and his Burnt Hickory BreweryPosse is a part of, I am supporting. This weekend is going to host a sick beer event in Kennesaw—the Third Annual Depot Park Beer Festival—and it will be featuring BHB’s fourth birthday as well. With more than 70 ridiculously tasty brews, two concert stages, and a gang of events, hit this one up if you can. For more info and tickets, go here.
As if you needed more convincing, how about this beer list:
My homey Scott Hedeen, the founder of Burnt Hickory, can brew his ass off.
Cigar City                      Hunahpu's Imperial Stout
Founders                       Kentucky Breakfast Stout
Against the Grain         Your Lytest One
Bells                               Bear Hug Imperial Stout
Wicked Weed                La Bonte Plum
Coastal Empire             Midnight in the Garden
Terrapin                        Barrel Aged Something
Cherry Street                Belgo Ruskie
Grumpy Old Men         Bergey Brown Cask
Southern Sky                Lemon Meringue Beholden Cask
Burnt Hickory                Cherry infused Killdozer: For Ladies Only
Burnt Hickory                Kolb's Farm Vanilla Habinero: Burial Truce
Burnt Hickory                Kolb's Farm Butterfinger: Kicked out of Weeblos
Burnt Hickory                Die Kreuzen BA Maple Pumpkin Ale: Man in the Trees
Burnt Hickory                Atomic Fireball CWOTD: Crop Circle
Burnt Hickory                Raspberry Orange Didjits: Staring at the Rude Boys
Burnt Hickory                Mother of Mercy
From The Burnt Hickory Brewery:
Burnt Hickory               Angel Rat Golden Sour
Burnt Hickory               Halo of Flies
Burnt Hickory               Big Shanty
Burnt Hickory               Bloody Bishop
Burnt Hickory               Cannon Dragger
Burnt Hickory              Charred Walls of the Damned
Burnt Hickory              Courageous Conductor
Burnt Hickory              The Didjits
Burnt Hickory              Ezekiel's Wheel
Burnt Hickory              Feeling Gravity's Pull
Burnt Hickory             Fighting Bishop
Burnt Hickory             General Joe
Burnt Hickory              If you see Kay
Burnt Hickory              Hot Judge Fudge
Burnt Hickory             Killboy Powerhead
Burnt Hickory             Killdozer
Burnt Hickory             Kolb's Farm
Burnt Hickory             Mad Caddy
Burnt Hickory            Maps and Legends
Burnt Hickory             Nana Knocker
Burnt Hickory            Noggin Knocker
Burnt Hickory            Spanish Bombs
Burnt Hickory            Usurper IPA
Burnt Hickory            Wrong EM Boyo
Burnt Hickory            Zekey Stardust

BHB Collaborations:
Three Taverns/BHB   Midnight on Moon Station
7th Sun/BHB             Collaboration
Angry Chair/BHB      Collaboration
Costal Empire/BHB    March to the Sea
Cycle/BHB                  Collaboration
Dry Co/BHB               Pina Collada IPA
Malt Monkeys/BHB   Tammy's Black IPA
Orpheus/BHB            Pellet Gun Sour Blend
Schoolhouse/BHB    White Stout
Sweetwater/BHB       Don's Bella Donna Smoked Old Bay
WH/BHB                    You got a Purdy Mouth
Red Brick/BHB          Govenor's Pike

Local / Regional
Cherry Street             Coconut Porter
Cherry Street             Groovy Child Guava Ale
Cigar City                   Jai Alai
Coastal Empire          Broughton St Saison
Coastal Empire          Halle Berliner Weiss
Creature Comforts    Athena
Creature Comforts    Cosmic Debris
Dry County                Dry County IPA
Dry County                Namesake Session Ale
Eventide                     Kattegat
Eventide                     Kolsch
Gate City                   Amber
Gate City                    IPA
Grumpy Old Men     ASKA
Grumpy Old Men     Grasshopper Imperial IPA
Jailhose                     Alibi
Jailhouse                  4DIPA Black IPA
Jekyll                         Cattywampus
Jekyll                         Fix In To IPA
Max Lager                 White Oak White
Max Lager                 Wry King Max Imp Stout
Monday Night           Drafty Kilt Cinnamon Cocoa
Monday Night           Georgia Imperial Stout
Naughty Soda           BA Apple PIE
Naughty Soda           Honey and Hops
Omaha                       Hannahatchee Creek IPA
Omaha                       Nada Bannana
Orpheus                     Atalanta
Orpheus                     Lyric Ale
Red Hare                   Citra Session
Red Hare                   Sticky Stout
Reformation              BA Providence
Reformation              Rhubarb Saison
Second Self               Citrus IPA
Second Self               Red Hop Rye
Service                       Old Guard
Service                       Rally Point
Southbound              Clusterfiels
Southbound              Scattered Sun
Southern Sky            Golden Ticket Chocolate Milk Stout
Southern Sky            Hot Southern Blueberry Hoecake Ale
Southern Sky           Worlds Apart Ale
Sweetwater               Cali Woody
Sweetwater               Hash Session IPA
Terrapin                    Sound Czech
Three Taverns           La Pech Mode
Three Taverns          Theophan
Treehorn                    Dry Cider
Treehorn                   Ginger Reserve Cider
Westbrook                 Dark Helmet
Westbrook                One Claw
Wicked Weed            Amourous
Wicked Weed            Infidel Porter

Get it in!


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