Here's what dope beer experts had to say about the past, present and future of craft beer. They had your homey Ale in there too!
As I celebrate the birthday of one of the greatest
leaders of our time—cheers to Martin Luther King Jr.—I am also enjoying this National Beer Writers Survey composed

I happily mentioned some a lot of awesome breweries
including Lagunitas, Alchemist, Creature Comforts, Service,
Badger State, Three Taverns, SweetWater,
Scofflaw, Southern Brewing Co., Max Lager’s,
and the soon-to-be-launching Locomotion,
Mazurt, From The Earth, and hopefully Little
Okay, see for yourself what the beer game brought us last
year, what is presently poppin’ off, and what the future brings according to
experts who bust their asses every day covering the world’s greatest beverage.
Cheers to Tristan and the rest of the Posse for doing this!