New Belgium is making sure the holidays are extra cozy
with numerous new releases!
I was blown away
when I hit up New Belgium’s new Asheville headquarters last month thanks to the
awesome tour and love they showed me while there. I honestly can’t wait to go
back! Well to show how busy they have been, here are some dope releases they have
coming out to combat the winter months including the Imperial Frambozen (right), the debut of the Blend Like a Brewer variety pack featuring a Cellar
Blender Limited Release Sour Ale, the Belgian Reserve Honey Orange Tripel, and the latest Voodoo Ranger Special Release as a Red IPA!
The write up below
is straight from the source. Get your sippin’
Your homie,
New Belgium has several releases out this month
including the return of holiday favorite, Imperial Frambozen.
The brewery is
also debuting a Blend Like a Brewer variety pack that encourages beer
connoisseurs to get creative and mix beers together for a new take on old
favorites like 1554. Plus, the pack includes a Cellar Blender Limited Release
Sour Ale–something you can’t find anywhere else.
New Belgium Brewing’s Imperial Frambozen Returns with
a Cocoa Twist
Additional releases out this month include a special Blend Like a Brewer Variety Pack, Honey Orange Tripel and Voodoo Ranger Red IPA
Additional releases out this month include a special Blend Like a Brewer Variety Pack, Honey Orange Tripel and Voodoo Ranger Red IPA
New Belgium Brewing’s Imperial Frambozen makes its return, just in time for
the holidays. Also debuting this month is a Blend
Like a Brewer variety pack that encourages beer connoisseurs to mix
New Belgium favorites together in creative ways; Belgian
Reserve Honey Orange Tripel, a Golden Strong Ale; and the latest Voodoo
Ranger Special Release, Red
Imperial Frambozen with Cocoa
Frambozen, Flemish for “raspberry,” is the brewery’s
celebration of the ruby red fruit found in Belgium’s Framboise ales. The
raspberry ale is fermented with real northwestern berries and incorporates a
touch of vanilla. This year, the seasonal favorite features an irresistible
update – the addition of single origin, 70 percent pure dark Ghana cocoa husks,
locally roasted and ground by Nuance Chocolate in Fort Collins. The beer is
8.5% ABV and available in 22oz. bottles in limited quantities.
Blend Like a Brewer Variety Pack
This variety pack is ideal for adventurous beer drinkers
looking for creative new takes on New Belgium favorites. Fat
Tire Belgian White,1554, Citradelic
Tangerine IPA, Abbey, Trippel and Cellar Blender – a dark, wood-aged sour
ale fermented with fruit – are included in this mix, along with a recipe
recommendations for blending the beers together from New Belgium brewers. For
example, ½ Abbey blended with ½ 1554 will yield a Monk’s Pajamas, as dubbed by
Brewer, Geoff Wenzel. The variety pack is on shelves now and would make a
perfect gift for craft lovers (hint, hint).