Friday, January 10, 2014

A seriously kickass bottle share

Photo shot by Lamont Byron/
The 25th First Sunday Bottle Share 
at Wrecking Bar was nuts!

What's up Craft Beer Lovers?!
Let me start off by saying I love bottle shares. Sure, there are beer festivals, tap takeovers, and brewery tours to mention a few other happenings to enjoy, but when you get a crew of no-joke craft beer enthusiasts who dig in the depths of their fridges and cellars to pour some of the most revered and exotic ales and lagers found worldwide, nothing beats it! 
Well, this time around was the celebration of Wrecking Bar Owners Bob and Kristine Sandage's 25th edition of First Sunday Bottle Share and it was a classic one; I have the photos to prove it! The initiation to be a part of this crew includes downing a warm 40-ounce bottle of Natural Light in under one minute and then claim it's the best beer in the world through every possible avenue of social media for starters. Okay, I'm kidding, but you get the idea—we keep it intimate.
Bob Sandage pouring his amazing Mexican Siberius Maximus Imperial Stout.
Anyway, I had a chance to talk with my homey Bob about the history of First Sunday and here is what he had to say:

"In late 2011, there was much chatter on Beer Talk about the difficulties of making it to weeknight beer gatherings like Ale Atlanta.  Someone posed the question, 'Why doesn't somebody host a beer meetup on weekends?" That was the perfect cue.  
"We at the Wrecking Bar had been open for just about six months and were starting to hit our groove.  I talked with the staff, and it was felt that the best time so as not to interrupt normal business would be on Sunday afternoons.  It really does work out perfect for us; we usually have a fairly busy brunch and evening on Sunday, but in between we can easily accommodate it. I would guess that we have anywhere from ten to 30 people show up with usually over 50 unique beers. Thanks to everyone who attends and makes this a great monthly event!"
- Bob Sandage, Co-Owner of Wrecking Bar

So with that being said, I wanted show you some footage of the 25th First Sunday share. I encourage you to get your homies together and do the same. Oh, and if you haven't been to the Wrecking Bar, go! The beer brewed on site, food and service are not to be missed. Thanks to everyone being a sport to have me shoot them.
Happy Sippin'!


Here are some dope ATL spots to to sip, eat and watch sports!

  Photo credit: Brandon Amato Whaddup?!! As many of you know, I am a huge sports fan and this is especially true with football. I am alway...

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